When you are involved with an internet service provider you never want to see an outage for your customers. Unfortunately, mother nature can cause issues pretty darn quick that are totally unexpected.
I feel fortunate to be working with Cody Wian at Mifflin County Wireless. He understands the importance of addressing the unexpected promptly to minimize the impact of any service outage for everyone that uses our internet.
Last night the two of us ended up on Jacks Mountain making a repair to the Belleville tower to restore service. I would prefer to avoid these outages altogether, but it sure was beautiful up there last evening after the storms cleared out!
I feel fortunate to be working with Cody Wian at Mifflin County Wireless. He understands the importance of addressing the unexpected promptly to minimize the impact of any service outage for everyone that uses our internet.
Last night the two of us ended up on Jacks Mountain making a repair to the Belleville tower to restore service. I would prefer to avoid these outages altogether, but it sure was beautiful up there last evening after the storms cleared out!